Call for Presentations/Papers

All submissions are peer reviewed. Deadline for submissions:

January 20, 2024

Submit proposals at on Conference Management page.

Before you begin the submission process, please be sure you have the following items:

  • Abstract (approximately 300 words): A more detailed description of the session, including what specifically will be covered; the audience it is intended for; how it will be presented; the application to research/scholarship, theory, and/or practice; and how it relates to the conference theme.
  • Short Description (approximately 75 words): A short summary clearly indicating the content and scope of the session, and how it relates to the conference theme.

Session Types

  • Concurrent Presentations – 20-minute presentation. A five-minute Q & A will follow at the end of the presentation.
  • Roundtable – Present for 5 to 10 minutes with the presenter facilitating a discussion of the topic presented. Good topics for roundtables include best practices, trends, or issues for online educators.
  • Poster Session – Create, develop, and present a poster (physical or digital) on a current topic or research study. Posters are good for promoting a session or roundtable or for presentation of tools, quick tips, or tricks for educators. Posters will be judged on appearance, organization, and engagement. A panel of judges will award a prize for the best poster.
  • Product Showcase – 20-minute presentation. Matching vendors with educators showcasing pedagogical implementation of products. Good for K-12 or higher education user/vendor partnerships.

Papers for Journal

Make sure you also submit your full-length paper of your presentation for peer-review and inclusion into the FDLA Journal.

Submit Papers at: Florida Distance Learning Association Journal